Pet Stain and Odor Removal Services

Pet Stain Treatment and Odor Removal in Bowie MD

Experience! Reliability! Expertise! 

Pet Stain and Odor Removal

Removing harmful bacteria, germs, and pathogens from your carpets and rugs requires more than just running to your local home Improvement store and buying an over the counter product.  In most cases, it requires a thorough deep cleaning and hot water extraction of your carpet using a specialized product meant to attack enzymes. In fact, most over the counter products have bleaching agents in them that cause more cause more problems than actually removing the problem. At Sir CleanAlot, we offer professional Pet stain and Odor removal services in Bowie. MD and the surrounding areas to eliminate and remove the source and other contaminants. Our unique extraction method, allows us to rid your carpets of the issues and return it back to its original healthy and clean state. 

Bacterial Inhibitor

Lets face it, we all want our residence to look good, and keeping it clean can be a challenge! Why take on this stress yourself? Sir CleanAlot Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning in Bowie MD is here for you! Whether it’s deep cleaning, odor removal, stubborn pet stains, pet urine on upholstery, highly soiled carpets, or stained tile and grout, our cleaning systems and process can effectively cleanse your home and get it looking great. When it comes to Pet Stain and Odor Removal, we're the best!

That said, it’s not just about appearances! Sir CleanAlot also offers Bacterial Inhibitors that destroys bacteria or suppresses their growth or their ability to reproduce. This process and product is great for all residential and commercial environments. Its especially beneficial in School settings such as daycare providers places where there are kids and or pets. Let us help in getting your place so fresh Sir Clean!

Call and ask your Sir CleanAlot representative today!


Customer First


Environmental Friendly 

We're committed to your satisfaction!

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